COVID-19 Imaging Database


Database upload link:

As the outbreak of COVID-19 in the UK evolves, a national understanding of the imaging features (particularly CT) is required to guide future management, national protocols, and to assist clinicians to more accurately identify and diagnose episodes of COVID-19 infection.

The British Society of Thoracic Imaging (BSTI), in conjunction with Cimar UK’s Imaging Cloud Technology (, have designed, built and deployed a simple, free to use, anonymised and encrypted online portal to upload and refer imaging of patients with either confirmed or suspected COVID-19. From these cases, BSTI hope to provide an imaging database of known UK patient examples for reference and teaching. The aim is to rapidly disseminate breaking clinical and diagnostic advice to frontline healthcare nationally, using real imaging examples encountered across the country.

They will then be routed through a restricted access workflow to a panel of BSTI diagnostic experts for approval and annotation, prior to general access to healthcare professionals being granted. 

Upload does not require changes to individual/organisation firewalls. All connections are secure and encrypted (HTTPS/TLS1.2). 

Please also visit our FAQs and Cimar V5.3 Security and Compliance document.

BSTI COVID-19 collected resources:

PLEASE NOTE: The BSTI database is a teaching repository only, intended for upload and for viewing (as stated above). It is not intended for download or research applications.

For access to images, please refer to the newly created The National COVID-19 Chest Imaging Database (NCCID), a joint initiative established by NHSX, the British Society of Thoracic Imaging (BSTI), Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and Faculty.

Please do not contact the BSTI directly for further enquiries about downloads.